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Dustin Higgins  
#1 Posted : Monday, April 13, 2020 10:40:45 PM(UTC)
Dustin Higgins

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Joined: 7/1/2018(UTC)
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PowerShell CIM Disk Space Query

The PowerShell CIM Disk Space Query retrieves free disk space (in GB and percent free) on local and remote computers. The CIM connection uses DCOM only because WSMan has typically not been available where I have been working. I thought I would try something a little different (for me) with this one and record just the code. There are bullets on key parts of the code. There is also a quick demonstration of the script at the end. #dhbscripting #PowerShell

Main Script Parameters:

param (
	[int]$Timeout = 30

function Get-CimSessionDcom
	Function to return a DCOM CIM Session.
    Function to return a DCOM CIM Session.  This is hard-coded to DCOM because
    there is zero percent chance of the WSMan service being used in my environment.
	param (
	# Setup the object
	$Obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
		CimSession = $null
		Exception = $null
		ObjTimestamp = (Get-Date)
	# Create the CIM session (Use DCOM since WsMan/PS Remoting is turned off)
	$Options = New-CimSessionOption -Protocol Dcom
	# Setup the parameters
	$RemoteParams = @{
		ComputerName = $Computer
	$SessionParams = @{
		SessionOption = $Options
		OperationTimeoutSec = $Timeout
		ErrorAction = "Stop"
	# Create the session
	try {
		$CimSession = New-CimSession @SessionParams @RemoteParams
        $Obj.CimSession = $CimSession
	} catch {
		$Obj.Exception = $_
	# Return the object
	Return $Obj

function Get-OnlineStatusPing
    Function retrieve online status using the ping command.
    Function retrieve online status using the ping command.  I personally don't use 
    Test-Connection because sometimes it throws cryptic errors that are hard to catch 
    and deal with.  Pick a way, learn it inside and out and be confident.  That is what I did.
    param (
	# Setup the object
	$Obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
		Computer = $Computer
		Online = $null
		PingResult = $null
    # Check the Online Status - Return if offline
    $Obj.PingResult = ping -n 1 -4 $computer
    if ($?) {
        if ($pingStatus -match "unreachable" -or $pingStatus -match "could not find host" -or $pingStatus -match "timed out") {
            $Obj.Online = $false
        } else {
            $Obj.Online = $true
    } else {
        $Obj.Online = $false
	# Return the object
	Return $Obj

function Get-CimDiskSpace
    Function retrieve disk space status from a CIM query.
    Function retrieve disk space status from a CIM query.  This function
    queries disk space through a CIM query and returns the results in GB
    and percent free so it is easy to determine whether or not action needs
    to be taken.
    param (
	# Setup the object
    $Obj = [PSCustomObject]@{         
        Computer = $Computer
        Online = $null
        C_Size = $null
        C_UsedSpace = $null
        C_FreeSpace = $null
        C_PercentFree = $null
        LogicalDisk = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]
		CimCmds = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]
		Exception = $null
        ObjTimeStamp = (get-date)
    # Check the ping status - return if offline
	$OnlineStatusObj = Get-OnlineStatusPing -Computer $Computer
	$Obj.Online = $OnlineStatusObj.Online
	if ($Obj.Online -eq $false) {
		Return $Obj
	# Get the CIM session - return if there is an exception
	$CimSessionObj = Get-CimSessionDcom -Computer $Computer -Timeout $Timeout
	if ($null -ne $CimSessionObj.Exception) {
		$Obj.Exception = $CimSessionObj.Exception
		Return $Obj
	# Query for Disk Space
	$Params = @{
		Query = "SELECT DeviceId, DriveType, ProviderName, FreeSpace, Size, VolumeName From Win32_LogicalDisk"
		NameSpace = "root\cimv2"
		CimSession = $CimSessionObj.CimSession
		OperationTimeoutSec = $Timeout
		ErrorAction = "Stop"
	try {
		$CimResultObj = Get-CimInstance @Params
	} catch {
		$Obj.Exception = $_
		Return $Obj
	# Add the cmd to the list
	# Process the Drives
	foreach ($i in $CimResultObj) {
		if ($i.DriveType -eq 3) {
			$FreeGB = [math]::Round(($i.FreeSpace / 1GB), 2)
			$SizeGB = [math]::Round(($i.Size / 1GB), 2)
			$DiskObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
				DeviceId = $i.DeviceId
				DriveType = $i.DriveType
				ProviderName = $i.ProviderName
				FreeSpace = $i.FreeSpace
				FreeSpace_GB = $FreeGB
				Size = $i.Size
				Size_GB = $SizeGB
				VolumeName = $i.VolumeName
			if ($i.DeviceId -eq "C:") {
				$Obj.C_Size = $SizeGB
				$Obj.C_UsedSpace = [math]::Round(($SizeGB - $FreeGB), 2)
				$Obj.C_FreeSpace = $FreeGB
				$Obj.C_PercentFree = [math]::Round(($FreeGB / $SizeGB) * 100, 2)
	# Remove the CIM Session
	Remove-CimSession -CimSession $CimSessionObj.CimSession
	# Return the object
	Return $Obj    

# Set the computer name (default to the local computer if not passed)
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Computer") -eq $false) {
	$Computer = $env:COMPUTERNAME
# Call the function
$Result = Get-CimDiskSpace -Computer $Computer -Timeout $Timeout
# Return the result

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