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Technical Advice
Object Oriented Approach to PowerShell and SQL Server
Rank: Advanced Member
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Joined: 7/1/2018(UTC) Posts: 64 Thanks: 1 times Was thanked: 6 time(s) in 6 post(s)
A long time friend and coworker once told me: "One of the beauties of programming is that there are many different ways to get to the answer.” How very true. I’m going to demonstrate sort of a hybrid solution that I authored. It is modeled after and very similar to compiled code that I have written and am using. It is an Object Oriented approach to using PowerShell for accessing a SQL Server / SQL Server Express database. The feature that I like the most is the ease of being able to point to different databases, and execute SQL commands with parameters that preserve data types. It also allows me to focus more on the SQL commands instead of just how to run them in PowerShell. There are just two functions. 1. Get-DatabaseObject accepts the database connection string as a parameter and returns a PowerShell Custom Object that has methods to do the following: - Open the Connection
- Execute a NonQuery statement
- Execute a Query statement
- Close the Connection
function Get-DatabaseObject
Get-DatabaseObject returns an PowerShell Custom Object that works with a SQL Server database.
The Get-DatabaseObject function returns a PowerShell Custom Object that works with a SQL Server database.
The object has the following methods: OpenConnection, CloseConnection, ExecuteNonQuery,
ExecuteQuery. The only input to the function is the connection string used to communicate
with the database.
.PARAMETER ConnectionString
This is the ConnectionString for the System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection connection.
Get-DatabaseObject "Data Source=localhost\DHB;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Integrated Security=true;"
param (
# Create the object
$DatabaseObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
ConnectionString = $connectionString
Connection = $Null
ConnectionOpenTime = $Null
ConnectionCloseTime = $Null
ConnectionDuration = $Null
ConnectionCommandCount = 0
Exception = $Null
SqlCommand = $Null
DateCreated = Get-Date
# Add the OpenConnection Method
$DatabaseObj | Add-Member -Name "OpenConnection" -MemberType ScriptMethod -Value {
try {
$This.Connection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$This.Connection.ConnectionString = $This.ConnectionString
$This.ConnectionOpenTime = Get-Date
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
$This.Exception = $_.Exception.Message
# Add the CloseConnection Method
$DatabaseObj | Add-Member -Name "CloseConnection" -MemberType ScriptMethod -Value {
try {
$This.ConnectionCloseTime = Get-Date
$This.ConnectionDuration = $This.ConnectionCloseTime - $This.ConnectionOpenTime
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
$This.Exception = $_.Exception.Message
# Add the ExcecuteNonQuery Method
$DatabaseObj | Add-Member -Name "ExecuteNonQuery" -MemberType ScriptMethod -Value {
param (
# Create the command
$SqlCommand = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
$SqlCommand.Connection = $This.Connection
$SqlCommand.CommandText = $sqlCmdObj.CommandText
# Bump the command count
$This.ConnectionCommandCount = $This.ConnectionCommandCount + 1
try {
# Add the cmd parameters if they are there
if ($sqlCmdObj.CommandParameterHash -ne $Null) {
foreach ($item in $sqlCmdObj.CommandParameterHash.GetEnumerator()) {
[void]$SqlCommand.Parameters.Add($item.Key, $item.Value)
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
# Execute the cmd
try {
$returnCode = $SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
$sqlCmdObj.ReturnCode = $returnCode
} catch {
$sqlCmdObj.ReturnCode = -1000
$sqlCmdObj.Exception = $_.Exception.Message
return $sqlCmdObj
# Add the ExecuteQuery Method
$DatabaseObj | Add-Member -Name "ExecuteQuery" -MemberType ScriptMethod -Value {
param (
# Create the command
$SqlCommand = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
$SqlCommand.Connection = $This.Connection
$SqlCommand.CommandText = $sqlCmdObj.CommandText
# Bump the command count
$This.ConnectionCommandCount = $This.ConnectionCommandCount + 1
try {
# Add the cmd parameters if they are there
if ($sqlCmdObj.CommandParameterHash -ne $Null) {
foreach ($item in $sqlCmdObj.CommandParameterHash.GetEnumerator()) {
[void]$SqlCommand.Parameters.Add($item.Key, $item.Value)
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
# Execute the Query
try {
$adapter = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter $SqlCommand
$dt = New-Object System.Data.Datatable
$returnCode = $adapter.Fill($dt)
$sqlCmdObj.ReturnCode = $returnCode
$sqlCmdObj.Results = $dt
$sqlCmdObj.ResultsCount = $dt.Rows.Count
} catch {
$sqlCmdObj.ReturnCode = -1001
$sqlCmdObj.Exception = $_.Exception.Message
# Return the object
return $sqlCmdObj
# Return the DB object
return $DatabaseObj
2. Get-SqlCommand accepts the query command and a optional parameter hash as input. It returns a PowerShell Custom Object that can be passed to the ExecuteQuery or ExecuteNonQuery methods of the object that Get-DatabaseObject returns. Code:function Get-SqlCommand
Get-SqlCommand returns an PowerShell Custom Object that is passed to methods of a PowerShell Custom Object
retrieved from the Get-DatabaseObject function.
Get-SqlCommand returns an PowerShell Custom Object that is passed to methods of a PowerShell Custom Object
retrieved from the Get-DatabaseObject function. The object can be used to execute query and non-query
commands against a SqlServer database. If a Parameterized SQL command is being used, a hashtable must be
passed to the function.
.PARAMETER CommandText
This is the text of the SQL Command that will be executed.
.PARAMETER CommandText
This is a hashtable of field names and values if a parameterized SQL Command is being used.
$ParamHash = @{}
$ParamHash.Add("Name", "Dustin Higgins")
Get-SqlCommand "SELECT * FROM TestTable WHERE Name=@Name"
param (
[System.Collections.Hashtable]$ParamHash = $Null
# Create the object
$sqlCmdObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
CommandText = $commandText
CommandParameterHash = $paramHash
ReturnCode = $Null
Exception = $Null
Results = $Null
ResultsCount = 0
DateCreated = Get-Date
return $sqlCmdObj
Below is an example using the above functions to open a connection, create a table, insert something into it, read it back, and close the connection: The connection string in the example is pointing to a local install of SQL Server Express, DHB is the instance. I have connected to other SQL Server databases (IE: SCCM) just by simply changing the connection string to the correct value. Code:
# Set the Connection
$connString = "Data Source=localhost\DHB;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Integrated Security=true;"
# Get the Database Object
$DatabaseObj = Get-DatabaseObject $connString
# Open the connection
# Get the SQL Command Object to create the table
$SqlCreateCommandObj = Get-SqlCommand -CommandText “CREATE TABLE TestTable (Name nvarchar(50), DateCreated datetime)”
# Run the SQL NonQuery command
$SqlCreateCommandObj = $DatabaseObj.ExecuteNonQuery($SqlCreateCommandObj)
# Get the SQL Command Object to update the table
$DateTime = Get-Date
$ParamHash = @{}
$ParamHash.Add("Name","Dustin Higgins")
$SqlInsertCommandObj = Get-SqlCommand -CommandText “INSERT INTO TestTable (Name, DateCreated) VALUES (@Name,@DateCreated)” -ParamHash $ParamHash
# Run the SQL NonQuery command
$SqlInsertCommandObj = $DatabaseObj.ExecuteNonQuery($SqlInsertCommandObj)
# Get the SQL Command Object to read the table
$SqlQueryCommandObj = Get-SqlCommand -CommandText “SELECT * FROM TestTable”
# Run the SQL Query command
$SqlQueryCommandObj = $DatabaseObj.ExecuteQuery($SqlQueryCommandObj)
# Loop through the results
write-host ("Results Count: " + $SqlQueryCommandObj.ResultsCount.ToString())
foreach ($i in $SqlQueryCommandObj.Results.Rows) {
write-host ("Name: " + $i.Name + " DateCreated: " + $i.DateCreated)
Please feel free to critique/comment. Follow Dustin Higgins on Twitter Thanks! Dustin Edited by user Monday, September 14, 2020 10:26:55 AM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified
Rank: Advanced Member
Groups: Registered
Joined: 7/1/2018(UTC) Posts: 64 Thanks: 1 times Was thanked: 6 time(s) in 6 post(s)
Here is a function that works with SQLite:
function Get-DatabaseObject
Function to get an object for a SQLite database
Function to get an object for a SQLite database
param (
# Create the object
$dbObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
ConnectionString = $connectionString
Connection = $null
ConnectionOpenTime = $null
ConnectionCloseTime = $null
ConnectionDuration = $null
ConnectionCommandCount = 0
Exception = $null
SqlCommand = $null
ObjTimestamp = Get-Date
# Add the OpenConnection Method
$dbObj | Add-Member -Name "OpenConnection" -MemberType ScriptMethod -Value {
try {
$this.Connection = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection
$this.Connection.ConnectionString = $this.ConnectionString
$this.ConnectionOpenTime = Get-Date
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
$this.Exception = $_.Exception.Message
# Add the CloseConnection Method
$dbObj | Add-Member -Name "CloseConnection" -MemberType ScriptMethod -Value {
try {
$this.ConnectionCloseTime = Get-Date
$this.ConnectionDuration = $this.ConnectionCloseTime - $this.ConnectionOpenTime
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
$this.Exception = $_.Exception.Message
# Add the ExcecuteNonQuery Method
$dbObj | Add-Member -Name "ExecuteNonQuery" -MemberType ScriptMethod -Value {
param (
# Create the command
$sqlCommand = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
$sqlCommand.Connection = $this.Connection
$sqlCommand.CommandText = $sqlCmdObj.CommandText
# Bump the command count
$this.ConnectionCommandCount = $this.ConnectionCommandCount + 1
try {
# Add the cmd parameters if they are there
if ($sqlCmdObj.CommandParameterHash -ne $null) {
foreach ($item in $sqlCmdObj.CommandParameterHash.GetEnumerator()) {
[void]$sqlCommand.Parameters.Add($item.Key, $item.Value)
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
$this.Exception = $_.Exception.Message
# Execute the cmd
try {
$returnCode = $sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
$sqlCmdObj.ReturnCode = $returnCode
} catch {
$sqlCmdObj.ReturnCode = -1000
$sqlCmdObj.Exception = $_.Exception.Message
return $sqlCmdObj
# Add the ExecuteQuery Method
$dbObj | Add-Member -Name "ExecuteQuery" -MemberType ScriptMethod -Value {
param (
# Create the command
$sqlCommand = $this.Connection.CreateCommand()
#$sqlCommand.Connection = $this.Connection
$sqlCommand.CommandText = $sqlCmdObj.CommandText
# Bump the command count
$this.ConnectionCommandCount = $this.ConnectionCommandCount + 1
try {
# Add the cmd parameters if they are there
if ($sqlCmdObj.CommandParameterHash -ne $null) {
foreach ($item in $sqlCmdObj.CommandParameterHash.GetEnumerator()) {
[void]$sqlCommand.Parameters.Add($item.Key, $item.Value)
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
$this.Exception = $_.Exception.Message
# Execute the Query
try {
$adapter = New-Object System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataAdapter $sqlCommand
$dt = New-Object System.Data.Datatable
$returnCode = $adapter.Fill($dt)
$sqlCmdObj.ReturnCode = $returnCode
$sqlCmdObj.Results = $dt
$sqlCmdObj.ResultsCount = $dt.Rows.Count
} catch {
$sqlCmdObj.ReturnCode = -1000
$sqlCmdObj.Exception = $_.Exception.Message
# Return the object
return $sqlCmdObj
# Return the DB object
return $dbObj
# Of course you have to Add-Type the System.Data.SQLite.dll file:
$ScriptDir = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
# Check for the SQL Lite Dll
$SQLLiteDllFile = "$($ScriptDir)\SQLite\System.Data.SQLite.dll"
if ((Test-Path $SQLLiteDllFile) -eq $false) {
write-host ""
Write-Host "$($SQLLiteDllFile) not found, exiting ..." -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host ""
# Add the DLL
Add-Type -Path $SQLLiteDllFile
Edited by moderator Sunday, May 17, 2020 12:43:56 PM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified
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Technical Advice
Object Oriented Approach to PowerShell and SQL Server
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